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APP - Install our service as an app on your mobile device

We employ the latest technology known as PWA (Progressive Web Application) on Jobcards Online.

How to install on Android

  1. Open on your favourite mobile browser.
  2. Sign in as you normally would.
  3. Click the 3 dots browser menu (commonly known as the burger menu).
  4. Click "Add to homescreen".

How to install on iPhone or iPad

  1. Open Safari & navigate to
  2. Sign in as you normally would.
  3. Click the share button, it's a little rectangle with an up arrow through the top border.  It’s on the bar at the top of the screen on an iPad, and on the bar at the bottom of the screen on an iPhone or iPod Touch.
  4. Click on "Add to home screen".


That's that, you can now enjoy our system as an app.  Note that our system only allows a user to be signed in on a single device at a time - so you can add yourself as another user with another email address, in order to use on multiple devices at the same time.

Updated: Mon, 21 January 2019